Hello, I'm Samuel Djiani

I'm a Full Stack Software Developer

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About me
<> FrontEnd </>

Build dynamic web apps focuses on content and functionality

<> Designer </>

Designs beautiful and functional UI/UX apps

<> Coding </>

Writes quality and efficient code focuses on optimization and performance

<> BackEnd </>

Focuses on database, scripting, architecture of the apps

<> Testing </>

Writing quality unit test, integration test, and continue test

<> Security </>

Knowledge on accessibikity and security compliance

sam profile picture

I Enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful, and intuitive designs. Coding and problem solving are my passion. I love to be challenged and engaged with projects that requires work and Knowledge outside confort zones and it is always satisfying to see ideas come to life. As a full stack web developer, I consider myself to be very self-disciplined, optimistic, detailed-oriented, team-work I enjoy playing soccer, attends outdoors adventures and sports events or mixing music with my DJ controller.

clicking Game
clicking Game
cameroun research professor
cameroun research professor
cameroun research professor
friend Finder
friend Finder
friend Finder
Event Localizer
cristal game
cristal game
My Tech Skill

Front End Skills

HTML5 80%
CSS 70%
Bootstrap 80%
JQuery,AJAX 85%
React 85%
ES6 60%

Back-End Skills

Restful-API 80%
NodeJs, Express 85%
Mongodb 80%
Mongoose 70%
MySQL 70%
Sequelize 70%
Passport 70%
JWT 70%
Firebase 60%

Deployment and Test

Git/Github 80%
Jest 70%
Mocha/Chai 75%
Travis CL 70%
Heroku 80%
Netlify 70%


Java 85%
Python 85%
C/C++ 85%
Matlab 70%
R 60%
AWS S3 70%
Rapberry pi
Contact Me